I begin my life as a blogger with a conundrum! It has been said that to blog is to be officially noted as part of a thinking society... but is it really? In actuality, I think it is more to be officially noted as part of a blabbering society... and not that there is anything wrong with that! We love to talk, it's part of what separates us from the animals and the protozoa. But its not just the public blabbering that worries me.
Several years back, I finally came up with the name for my memoir (or autobiography if memoirs are no longer "in"). When it came to mind I instantly I fell in love with it: "He Who Says the Least, Has the Most to Say." I knew it was a hit because the first publisher I mentioned it to blurted out in an instant, "That is so not true!!" I knew in that moment that I had a title that would catch someone's eye, one that would stop even the hastiest businessman at the Costco book table. But therein lies my dilemma.
How do I justify that glorious title now that I am officially a blogger? Bloggers don't have the least to say (unless, of course, this is my only entry for years to come), they typically have the most. How can I possibly keep my favored memoir title and enter the world of blogging? How can it all work?
Okay, let's be rational here, let's look at the whole picture. People who write memoirs aren't exactly the one's saying the least. Not once they start writing anyway. That much is true. And good titles are meant to sell books, not tell the whole story. Right? Generally it's the publishers who come up with the titles anyway, not the authors. Surveys say authors typically hate their publisher created book titles seven out of ten times. Okay, maybe I made that percentage up, but it's based on truth so the principle must still stand, right? Besides, when all is said and done the title really refers to my life prior to writing. It is my story prior to my blogging, prior to my memoir script, prior to now. So can I still keep my title... as long as I don't write about my life after now. I can do that! These times seem to be fairly boring anyway. I can actually make this work!
Okay, I feel much better now. So, what to say next... crap, another conundrum. Ummmm....
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